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 1. Robert Pianta  Kids and Teachers: What Makes for Success in School  Engaging the Mind 
 2. Elona Hartjes  Some things you need to know about kids who are school phobic or anxious about school  Teachers At Risk 
 3. Irregular Times  Watch Your Kids' School For the School's Own Good  Irregular Times Podcast 
 4. Bob Enyart  Short Rapists, Young Victims, and School Teachers  BEL July 2007 
 5. Elona Hartjes  Strategies for dealing with kids who get physcially aggressive with teachers- Part 1- Establishing the classroom climate  Teachers At Risk 
 6. Julie Grant  Akron High School Students Worry About Losing Teachers and Programs  (c) 2006, WKSU 
 7. WMUL-FM  Differential analyzer makes college students kids again 3/3/08   
 8. Walt Disney World Toady  Episode 384 - Taking The Kids Out Of School  ©2008 WDWToday.com 
 9. Walt Disney World Toady  Episode 384 - Taking The Kids Out Of School  ©2008 WDWToday.com 
 10. Go Folk Yourself !  nina school - mr anti kids   
 11. Rap Master Maurice  Poll The Kids At Your Middle School  GREAT FOR 2K8 
 12. Amanda Rabinowitz  Fewer Ohio kids are skipping school  (c) 2007, WKSU 
 13. Discovery Institute  Back to School With Real Science for Kids  Intelligent Design The Future 
 14. Andi McDonnell  Back-to-school season can be tough on kids with asthma  MiHealth 
 15. Steve Stewart  Canadian teachers support teachers in Oaxaca   
 16. Download Sound Effects - SoundDogs - Citi Trax  ��d Effects - School Playground From Interior Closed Window Perspective. Muffled Sounds Of Kids Playing Outside, Plane By.  http://www.Sounddogs.com 
 17. Elona Hartjes  What to do to stop teachers bullying other teachers  Teachers At Risk 
 18. Paul Allison, Susan Ettenheim, & Team  Teachers Teaching Teachers 25   
 19. Kevin Hodgson, Gail Desler, Bonnie Kaplan, Paul Allison, Lee Babe  Teachers Teaching Teachers #47 - Ap  Telling Stories with Technolog 
 20. TTT Team  Teachers Teaching Teachers#27   
 21. Team TTT  Teachers Teaching Teachers #15  Sharing Stories with Mapping 
 22. hunt.FM  hunt.FM #9: "So Fresh, So Kids w/ Guest DJ's 'The Freshest Kids'"   
 23. Brian Ibbott  Coverville-070807-For the Kids II, and for the kids at heart, too!  Coverville 
 24. Brian Ibbott  Coverville-070807-For the Kids II, and for the kids at heart, too!  Coverville 
 25. Will Kauffman  The Transportation Department: Summer School Now and 2009-2010 School Year Reminders for Parents  WCPS One on One 
 26. Christopher Alberts  Assuring Mission Success in Complex Environments - Part 2: Assuring Mission Success  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 27. Caleb Bingham  Dialogue between a School-master and School Committee  The Columbian Orator 
 28. Daft Punk  Teachers  Homework  
 29. Daft Punk  Teachers  Homework   
 30. Daft Punk  Teachers  Homework   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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